World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024

This year for World Book Day, we wanted to encourage our young visitors to celebrate and share their favourite book characters by joining in with our Drawing Competition!

Prizes were given out to winning entries, Ethan’s Supertato (pictured above) was one of our favourites!

Check out some of our other winners below, aren’t they amazing?!

We also opened up access to our Costume Library so our community could borrow a costume rather than spend money on something only used for one day. The costumes have all been donated by members of our community when their children have finished with them so have cost us nothing.  

Where would we be without our volunteers?

Our amazing volunteers run the Costume Library, and the competition was led by Melodie, who hand delivered prizes to the winners. 

Donations always welcome!

If your child has a costume they have outgrown, we will happily accept donations year round. We are so pleased with how popular this resource is, we can never have too many. We take outfits for all ages, including adults. 

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World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024 This year for World Book Day, we wanted to encourage our young visitors to celebrate and share their favourite book characters by joining in with our

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