Old Boat Corner is officially a Warm Welcome Space

Warm Welcome exists to turn poverty and isolation into warmth and welcome through the power of local spaces made by and for the community. The Warm Welcome campaign is led by a coalition of over 50 charitable organisations who joined together in response to the worst cost of living crisis in 70 years to provide emergency support to communities struggling to pay for rising food costs and to heat their homes. It’s ambition was to resource, champion and connect Warm Welcome Spaces in every community across the UK. By joining this network, Old Boat Corner is a part of a growing network of more than 7000 Warm Welcome Spaces of every shape and size. 

Nobody should have to cope with loneliness or poverty on their own

The dark evenings and cold winter months can be challenging for everyone. The winter is especially tough on people who feel lonely and isolated, and for anyone who can’t afford to heat their homes or get enough to eat. Old Boat Corner is opening it’s doors to all, offering a friendly space to keep warm, connect and make new friends.

Come in and say hello to the team

Our café manager Zelal leads our team of cheerful and kind staff, who are ready to support you in any way they can. We can help connect you to services and provisions as well as offering a friendly space with hot food and drinks at low prices. Please come in and talk to us, get to know the team, join in with some activities. We’re here for you. 

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We are hiring!

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